I do not want you. Not you or anyone else. You are NOT special. No, not even you. Say what? You live eleventy billion miles away, have never met me, are into things that don't remotely appeal to me, and claim to have read my profile that directly states I don't want a personal sub, slave or houseboy? Gee, sign me up!
Listen guys, I find it utterly repulsive when you do this. Offensive. Rude. Presumptuous. If i want a personal slave, I'll find one. Don't write me a 9 million word diatribe about why you're wonderful for me and I'm your true owner. Do you know how assumptive that is? I mean, I'll get on my high horse for a second, but why the fuck are you worthy? What makes you think I should be with you? Because you think I'm hot? You don't know me from a hole in the wall.
You're debasing me. Devaluing me. Most of all you're offending me, so SHUT THE FUCK UP, back off, and let me find you, if I want you, you'll know it.
While I'm at it, I'd like to attach an addendum.
Ask me out for a date when I have never met or spoken to you. Asking me out as a manner of saying hello will get out a flat out NO.
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